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who says cats and mice cannot be friends? who said bad friends can’t save the world together? in a modern world composed of multiple animals, the elite of the animal agent office, zhang dawei (cat), met the useless technical housekeeper aqiu (rat), by chance. when zhang dawei, who is arrogant, hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, meets aqiu, who is humorous and cute, values ​​affection and righteousness, meets aqiu, who is proud of love and righteousness. who says cats and mice cannot be friends? who said bad friends can’t save the world together? in a modern world composed of multiple animals, the elite of the animal agent office, zhang dawei (cat), met the useless technical housekeeper aqiu (rat), by chance. when zhang dawei, who is arrogant, hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, meets aqiu, who is humorous and cute, values ​​affection and righteousness, meets aqiu, who is proud of love and righteousness.

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